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24-piece Bijoux Assortment


An assorted randomized 9 piece mix of top selected fillings. Possible fillings included below.



Gold-----------------------------------------------------------------Cafe Latte

Red-------------------------------------------------------------Crispy Wafer

Light Pink----------------------------White Chocolate Ganache

Pink-----------------------------------------------Peanut Butter & Jelly

Orange----------------------------------------------Candied Hazelnut

Yellow---------------------------------------Pecan&White Ganache

Light Green----------------------------------------Pistachio-Mallow

Light Blue---------------------------------------------Cookies&Cream

Dark Blue---------------------------------------------------------- Coconut

Purple--------------------------------------------HoneyComb Crunch

Black --------------------------------------------------------------------Nougat

Mixed Color--------------------------------------------Milk Chocolate

24-piece Bijoux Assortment

  • 1. **Storage:** Store your handcrafted chocolates in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and strong odors. Exposure to heat and humidity can adversely affect the quality and appearance of the chocolates.

    2. **Temperature Control:** Maintain a stable temperature below 70°F  for ideal storage conditions. If refrigeration is necessary, ensure that the chocolates are covered securely to prevent condensation. Sudden temperature changes can affect the texture and flavor, so it's essential to handle with care.

    3. **Avoid Moisture:** Chocolates are susceptible to absorbing moisture, which can result in a loss of quality. Keep them airtight to prevent exposure to air and humidity.

    4. **Consumption Timeline:** Enjoy the delightful fillings within our chocolates within 4-6 weeks from the date of purchase, unless otherwise specified on the packaging. Consume them while the flavors are at their peak freshness.


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